V sredo, 15. februarja, smo na Fakulteti za varstvo okolja v sodelovanju z ameriško ambasado v Ljubljani na kratkem obisku gostili dr. Aubrey Paris, svetovalko ameriškega zunanjega ministrstva za področje enakosti med spoloma, podnebnih sprememb in inovacij.
Dr. Paris je predstavila področja svojega delovanja, skupaj z ostalimi gosti smo v nadaljevanju srečanja iskali možnosti za nadaljnje sodelovanje.
Dr. Aubrey Paris is a Policy Advisor on Gender, Climate Change & Innovation in the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) at the U.S. Department of State, where she leads policy and public diplomacy efforts related to the nexus of gender and climate change. As part of her portfolio, she launched the Innovation Station initiative to amplify the impact of woman and girl innovators developing translatable solutions to climate-related challenges, while simultaneously drawing subnational connections between domestic and international communities. The initiative includes development of an international network, virtual event series, quarterly newsletter, and weekly podcast.