Traineeship abroad

Traineeship abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ and has been shown to have a positive effect on later job prospects. It is also a chance to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and independence and immerse yourself in a new culture.

The Faculty of Environmental Protection offers students possibility for traineeships. Traineeships (student placements) are available in the context of projects that take place in a single academic year in the study/scientific field(s) of population ecology, with emphasise on wildlife management and environmental assessments.

Traineeship (work placement) means that you as student spend a period of time in an enterprise or organisation in foreign country with a view to acquire specific competences that are required by the labour market, carry out work experience,improve the understanding of the economic and social culture of that country.

We accept Erasmus+ traineeships that are undertaken as part of your degree or voluntery traineeships.

Lea Komerički Kotnik, 
Phone: +386 3 898 64 15,
Erasmus  FVO ID code: SI CELJE06
PIC: 986228877
Erasmus ID: E10175181
Erasmus Policy Statement

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