Employment opportunities

  • enterprises subject to the IPPC,
  • companies that introduce or implement environmental standards,
  • institutions entrusted with the environmental impact assessment,
  • developers of environmentally friendly products/services/technologies aiming to
  • increase the social responsibility of their operations,
  • waste and hazardous substances management companies,
  • environmental monitoring operators,
  • writers of environmental documentation,
  • public utility companies,
  • administrative and control services for environmental protection and spatial
  • planning,
  • educational and research institutions in the field of environmental protection and
  • nature protection,
  • managers of protected areas, parks, reserves,
  • non-governmental environmental organisations,
  • agricultural and forestry enterprises and farms,
  • operators of rehabilitation of degraded areas and flood control measures,
  • enterprises in the field of tourism and tourism organisations,
  • energy renovation operators,
  • urban planning institutes.
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