Access requirements

  •  hold a general matura certificate or
  • hold a vocational matura certificate or
  • hold a final examination certificate in any four-year higher secondary school programme obtained prior to 2002

Terms of transfers between academic programmes

The FEP Committee for Student Affairs shall decide on possible student transfers to the FEP from a short-cycle high education academic programme and a professional higher education academic programme based on a  student’s application submitted in writing.

Academic programme completion

To complete the academic program, the student will have to fulfill all the obligations according to the academic programme, to complete a 10-week practical training (internship), and to produce and defend their own diploma thesis which is credited with 16 ECTS. In total, the student must complete 180 ECTS.

Enrollment status

Students can enroll as part-time or full-time.

Location of the academic programme

The academic programme for full-time and part-time students will take place in Velenje. The actual structure of the programme depends on the number of students enrolled.

Tuition fee

The Administrative Board of The Faculty of Environmental Protection defines the annual fee by the end of June each year.

Requirements to be promoted to the next academic year within the programme

The student will be promoted to the second academic year upon acquiring 48 ECTS from the first academic year. The student will be promoted to the third academic year after having completed all the obligations from the first academic year and acquiring 50 ECTS from the second academic year.

To be promoted to the second academic year, the student must acquire 48 ECTS  and pass the exams of the following subjects: Biology of Ecosystems, Humans and the Environment, Chemistry and the Environment, Mathematics, Nature Conservation, Environmental Sociology, and Waste Management.

The student will be promoted to the third academic year after having fulfilled all the requirements of the first academic year, acquiring 50 ECTS from the second academic year and after passing the exam of Pollution and Air, Water, and Soil Protection.

In the case of failing to fulfill the academic obligations, the student may repeat the same academic year or transfer to another academic programme only once during their study. The student may repeat the academic year of their first enrollment in the current year if the student has acquired 30 ECTS of the current year obligations.

The FEP Committee for Student Affairs is entitled to decide on maintaining a student status for justified reasons in the event that a student has failed to fulfill their academic obligations for their promotion after having already exercised the right to repeat a study year once.

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